The Vølva's Journey
On the Vølvas journey we will dive deep into our primal core. We encounter our vulvaric gates in a new dimension to dive into the unknown depth within so we are able to see & learn new truths about ourselves.

Let us connect to our beautiful bodies and Vulva's in this Vulva Portals ceremony.
This workshop is about all things Vulva and the main intention is to support and strengthen your relationship to your own vulva, to worship her and to allow others to lovingly see and worship her uniqueness and beauty too so you can experience transformation in a soft and gentle way.

Get to know the female (physical, emotional, energetic and mental) anatomy better and learn what you always wanted to know about female sexuality (incl. female ejaculation), deeper connection and sensuality.
Female ejaculation is a source of healing, magic and power and still seems to be a myth for many. Something that is only possible for a few or something that is only related to porn. Even doctors and scientists argue about this "phenomenon" when the fact is - FEMALE EJACULATION IS REAL!
Primal Embodiment is an explorational journey to the core of your being, your originality and your senses. A deep dive into the source of your being and the origin of your authentic, primal and above all free, expressing self.