The Vølva's Journey is a weekend long retreat for:
∞ all seekers in a vulva present body
∞ the ones who feel called
∞ those who dare to reconnect and come back to an ancient knowledge & primal experience.
∞ those who are ready to remember and claim their body, power and wisdom.
∞ those who want to get to know themselves on a new & deeper level

Additional Information:
∞ This retreat includes a range of nudity & sexual and sensual touch/exploration in a group but “with yourself only”. You just go as far as you feel good and comfortable.
∞ All teachings will be led by the energy and the ancestral lines of the Vølva.
∞ The schedule stays mostly open so I can flow with whatever the group calls for.
∞ There are always limited spots available for this retreat to ensure a deep level of integrity, embodiment, support and focus.

_____The Vølva’s Journey
∞ Experience a guided journey to meet your deep inner self through Ritual & Meditation.
∞ Discover the ancient healing knowledge of your body through Sensuality & Movement.
∞ Connect with the archetypal goddesses Freyja, the very first Vølva and Hel. Encounter yourself through that connection, their magic and knowledge.
∞ Dive deep into your ancestral line and access the wisdom of your ancestors through your own being and body.
Trust the Calling
On the Vølvas journey we will dive deep into our primal core. We encounter our vulvaric gates in a new dimension to dive into the unknown depth within so we are able to see & learn new truths about ourselves. We are going to activate our pleasure and aliveness as we will call upon Freyja and Hel as our guides to uncover our shadows & light. To move through an experience of death and rebirth as a transformational tool to go all the way into every aspect of a fully lived reality. To bring together what is essential in life. The exploration of our body will bring us deeper in touch with our natural essence. These potent movements are a magical and powerful way to connect us deeper to our primal knowledge. We will embark on sensual journeys and find grounding and freedom in them. We will dine on the ground and our hands and mouths will bring us all the way into the earthiness of our physical bodies while we connect to the spiritual world through sensation and meditation. We are going to explore ourselves, our pleasure, our core, our essence and anatomy through self-initiation, sharing & ritual till we are deeply lit from within.
You'll emerge from the retreat with a deeper understanding and knowledge of yourself, your body, your power, shadows, light, sensuality, pleasure and femininity. You’ll arrive home transformed. You'll feel empowered and connected to something profound, universal and yourself on a new level.