In which languages do you offer your work?
In english and german
Who can come to you?
Anyone! I guide people from all walks of life and all genders in individual, couple and family sessions.
What is the difference between somatic therapy and coaching?
Coaching is usually more short-term oriented and focuses mostly on a specific current issue on the surface, while somatic therapy is long-term oriented and works more broadly in depth.
What do you do as a somatic/body based therapist?
Some of the things I support you in are:
∞ Connecting you with your feelings and your body.
∞ Charging and discharging your energy.
∞ Releasing blockages that are stored in your body.
∞ Connecting you with your true essence and acting accordingly/ moving forward and outward from this truth.
∞ To bring more clarity to your process.
∞ To ground you in your body and regulate your nervous system.
∞ Expand your consciousness.
∞ To feel more alive.
∞ Express yourself in all your being.
What would people who work with you say your sessions are appropriate for?
For people who:
∞ want to bring structure and clarity to their own process.
∞ want to feel and meet themselves more.
∞ are tired of playing a role and chasing and living up to their idealized self-image.
∞ are tired of their mask and want to recognize who they really are behind this mask.
∞ want to work with someone who is grounded and spiritually open at the same time.
∞ don't want to be pathologized (e.g. there's something wrong with you, here's a label).
∞ are not just looking for a quick fix.
∞ are willing to fully engage with themselves and the process.
∞ want to be seen, acknowledged and perceived as they are and as human.
∞ are willing to face themselves and all their feelings.
∞ are looking for a new and/or different approach to every aspect of life and to themselves.
∞ want to fall in love with themselves.
∞ desire to be and feel more alive.
Is there anything I need to be aware of?
It is important to be aware that changes usually do not happen overnight and that the path can be quite strenuous at times and takes time. It is worthwhile to persevere.
Will the insurance company cover the cost of working with you?
Since I don't have a practice in the classical sense, I unfortunately can't bill public health insurance at the moment. First of all, you pay for all services yourself.
However, your tax advisor will tell you under which conditions you can claim my services for tax purposes.
How long do I have to wait for an appointment?
Currently, and unlike many panel therapists, I can offer appointments on short notice if needed. Feel free to ask!
What is the next step if I want to work with you?
First we make an appointment for an intake interview - regardless if you want to do therapy or coaching. An intake session takes 60 minutes
If you are satisfied with the intake session, we will either:
For therapy - book 5 further appointments to give you the opportunity to get to know me and my work better. Only then will you decide whether you want to continue working with me in the long term. Further appointments can then be arranged for a fixed date and time, flexibly, weekly or fortnightly, and later at longer intervals, depending on your needs.
For embodied coaching - choose one of the coaching packages or commit to an upfront agreed amount of fortnightly sessions.
What exactly happens during the intake session?
The first meeting opens the space to get to know each other better and offers the opportunity to become more familiar with me and my way of working. You decide if you feel comfortable with me and like my way of working and if you want to take the next step.
Is there an online consultation option as well?
If you can't or don't like to come in person, we can work together via video call. Usually this works very well.
What if I have to cancel an appointment?
If you have to cancel an appointment for any reason, please let me know as soon as possible. At least 48 hours in advance.
For appointments that are canceled less than 48 hours in advance, I will invoice you the full amount of the session, as I am usually unable to reschedule the appointment reserved for you at such short notice.
If the appointment can be taken by someone else or if we find an alternative appointment within the same week, the cancellation fee is waived. In case of illness, there is the possibility to do the session online.